Blockchain is often associated with cryptocurrencies. In fact, Bitcoins are just a particular use case of the technology that became widespread at some point. The possibilities of blockchain are much broader. The technology can improve processes in many industries, from energy to computer gaming. This includes scenarios for integrating blockchain into the education system.
Key points
Key principles of blockchain technology
Blockchain technology allows large amounts of information to be systematized and handled without intermediaries. To put it even more simply, it is a new way of storing data. Several key principles underlie how blockchain technology works:
- Decentralization
- Transparency
- Immutability
Let`s discuss these key principles in more detail.
Blockchain technology in education: decentralization
Decentralization eliminates the ownership of a database by a single governing body. Imagine you are playing a computer game. You develop your character, buy items, and spend your money on them. And then a conditional programmer-creator erases the virtual world and all your investments along with it. This is how classical databases work: information is stored on the server of one administrator who manages it alone.
In decentralized systems, data is distributed among all the computers in the network. Network participants have equal rights in information management. And they do not turn to intermediaries to approve an action but approve it themselves. Thus, data stored in the blockchain is protected from server hardware and cloud infrastructure problems.
Blockchain technology in education: transparency
Transparency between participants reduces bureaucracy, costs, and errors. No one can add, delete, or edit files without being seen by the rest of the network. For example, it will not be possible to falsify exam results, add a fake diploma to the database, or change the list of students who have paid for their studies. Network participants can trace the source of questionable information step by step. An unprecedented level of trust is created between users of the blockchain platform.
Blockchain technology in education: immutability
The immutability of data precludes correcting the date of creation of files and editing their contents retroactively. In other words, everything that goes into the blockchain stays there. Our article about blockchain in e-commerce will help you better understand this principle of blockchain technology.
How can blockchain technology be applied in the education industry?
We hope you now understand the key principles of blockchain technology. Now, let’s examine how it can work in practice.
Tracking diplomas and certificates
Storing information on blockchain protects employers from fake certificates and diplomas. To check a diploma, you don’t need to pull up all the archives, you just click a button in the app. It is impossible to falsify the date of issue of a document, “backdate” copies, or steal forms. This is also a plus for graduates – they don’t have to carry paper copies and don’t have to worry about them getting spoiled or lost.
The first digital diplomas were issued in 2017 to Massachusetts Institute of Technology employees. Today, digital diplomas are issued in more than 20 countries.
Issuance of grants and education loans
The process of issuing education loans and paying for studies is not easy. Checking credit histories and determining the terms of the loan takes time. Blockchain will help reduce the loan decision time to a day. The same system will simplify the complex grant process and make it more objective.
Copyright and anti-plagiarism
If a group of students works on a project, the blockchain can easily track each participant’s contributions. This can help with disputes around copyright and monetary rewards. In addition, blockchain makes it easier to track plagiarism. The possibility of being rewarded incentivizes users to look for borrowings and add them to the database.
Motivational systems
Personalized personnel motivation systems implemented on the blockchain are an alternative to classic bonuses, often depending on the manager’s subjective evaluation.
Brightside Academy Ohio, a network of 14 private kindergartens in the US state of Ohio, was one of the first to implement blockchain in its teacher motivation system. It works the following way:
- Administrators create tasks in a closed blockchain system and assign rewards for them in internal digital currency – tokens.
- Tasks can be different, such as organizing excursions for children, extra work on weekends, or promising not to be late for work for a month.
- The teacher completes the task and enters a report into the system.
- Other administrators in the network validate it.
- The teacher receives tokens in his or her account. He or she can convert them, for example, into certificates on Amazon.
In this way, the motivational program becomes a fun game for the participants. Administrators can see the history of token transfers, identify the most motivated employees, and promote them.
A similar motivation system can be integrated into business education. Blockchain gives more options for grading practical assignments. And the tokens earned by students can be spent, for example, to buy bonus lessons or business school merchandise. In this way, gamification, a powerful trend in education, will be added to the learning process. Teachers and mentors will also benefit from the blockchain platform. In the system, tracking students’ future career progress and receiving bonuses for contributing to their development will be possible. After all, it is the students’ achievements that shape the teacher’s reputation.
Our SoloWay Tech team can help you implement any blockchain-based educational project!
Challenges of blockchain technology in education
Blockchain technology also comes with its fair share of challenges:
- Integration complexity. Implementing blockchain technology in education systems requires significant technical expertise. Integrating it with existing infrastructure and ensuring interoperability with other systems can be complex and time-consuming.
- Scalability. Blockchain networks face scalability issues when it comes to handling a large number of transactions simultaneously. In education, where millions of students and educators may interact with the system concurrently, scalability becomes a crucial challenge.
- Cost. Developing and maintaining blockchain networks can be expensive. Educational institutions may find it challenging to justify the costs associated with implementing blockchain solutions, especially if they lack a clear understanding of the long-term benefits.
- Data management. While blockchain offers immutability and transparency, managing data on the blockchain requires careful planning. Educational institutions must decide what data to store on-chain versus off-chain and establish data access and governance protocols.
- Security concerns. While blockchain is often touted for its security features, it’s not immune to vulnerabilities. Smart contract bugs, 51% attacks, and private key management issues are just a few examples of security concerns that need to be addressed to ensure the integrity of educational data stored on the blockchain.
- Interoperability. Different blockchain platforms may not be compatible with each other, leading to interoperability challenges. Educational institutions may find it difficult to collaborate or share data seamlessly across disparate blockchain networks.
Addressing these challenges requires collaboration among educational institutions, technology providers, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders. Despite the hurdles, blockchain technology holds promise for transforming various aspects of education, from credentialing and student records management to content delivery and academic research.
SoloWay Tech – your reliable blockchain-development partner

Our SoloWay Tech team is more than just a blockchain-development partner. We’re a reliable cornerstone in the realm of blockchain solutions. Our expertise spans various facets of blockchain technology, including smart contract development, decentralized applications (dApps), tokenization, and blockchain integration. Whether you’re a startup looking to tokenize assets or an enterprise seeking to streamline operations through blockchain implementation, we offer comprehensive blockchain-based solutions designed to propel your project forward.